just for him

Go lite & go slow. The male aesthetic is much different than the female. I work with each of my patients to help them customize the best treatment plan for them. I recommend going lite and slow for men because we do not want to “overdo it.” We can always add more, but it is difficult to take away. We can build a chiseled jawline or give you a subtle volume replacement. Whatever you are looking for, I will work with you to design and plan to best meet your goals.

line softening

  • botox for upper face lines - forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet.

  • filler for lower face lines - smile lines and other fine lines

volume replacement

  • cheeks

  • nasolabial folds

  • temples

jawline chiseling

  • botox for masseters | jawline slimming

  • botox for neck and jawline | jawline contour

  • filler for jawline contour

  • kybella to melt under chin fat

line softening


Crows feet are the lines around the eyes produced by smiling or squinting. We can easily reduce the appearance of these lines with botox.


Patients can enjoy a drastic difference in softening their wrinkles with as little as one simple treatment.  The 11's or frown lines result from furrowing your eyebrows (the glabellar and corrugator muscles).  The 11's is one of the most common treatment areas for botox injections.  Some patients have very deep 11s, requiring a few treatments before the wrinkles are fully lifted.  Another factor that worsens the severity of these wrinkles is a patient’s amount of sun damage.  


If you have a forehead and you make expressions, then you have forehead wrinkles.  Some of us are blessed with amazing skin and a lack of sun exposure and don’t require a neurotoxin to freeze away our wrinkles, but for the rest of us, we need some botox.   Some individuals prefer very little movement in this area, providing a very smooth appearance, while others like to be able to maintain some level of expression, either way, we can get you the results you are looking for.

filler for lower face lines - smile lines and other fine lines

Lower face lines can include smile lines or laugh lines. These are the lines that form on either side of your mouth. Over time they develop a wear pattern and get deeper and deeper. Filler can help lift and soften these lines. Depending on how deep they are, a few different fillers can be used to procedure a very soft natural result.

Volume Replacement


Often we can experience facial volume loss due to changes in weight or as a natural part of the aging process.  By restoring the pronunciation of your cheekbones, you can redefine your facial features.  Danielle Smith NP, is a brilliant aesthetic provider who knows how to provide the best results for cheek augmentations while maintaining a natural appearance.  

Nasolabial Folds

Over time, your skin loses elasticity, contributing to moderate to severe parentheses lines and wrinkles around the nose and mouth. While serums and creams work on the skin’s surface, dermal fillers help add volume to smooth these lines and folds to help give you the subtle, long-lasting results you want.


As we age, we lose fat in our temples, producing a hollowed and sunken look. This greatly ages us. Adding volume to this area to restore the volume loss can create a much more youthful appearance. The best products for this area include Sculptra or Juvederm.

Jawline Chiseling

Botox for masseters | jawline slimming

Our masseters are the main muscles in our jaw for clenching our jaw and teeth. This causes them to bulk up in size and strength; even when we are relaxed, we still grind our teeth or clench. By botoxing these muscles, we can relieve a great deal of the tension and work to de-bulk the muscles. Aesthetically this leads to a slimming effect in the area, resulting in a more contoured and defined angle of the mandible (corner of the jaw).

botox for neck and jaw line | jawline contour

Botox for the neck and jawline provides a fantastic effect to reduce the appearance of jowls and offer more depth and contour to the neckline. This works by blocking the platysmal bands that come up from the neck and insert along the jawline. Every time we contract these muscles, they pull from the corner of our mouth down to the neck, creating a bulging effect in our jowls. By blocking this movement with botox, we can significantly reduce the appearance of jowls and provide more depth to the jawline itself.

filler for jawline contour

By adding filler to the jawline, we can significantly improve the appearance and contour of the jawline. We can define it by enhancing the chin, the angle of the mandible (corner of the jaw), and the enhance the jawline directly. This creates a very handsome etching and chiseling of the jaw itself.

Kybella | Fat Melter

If you are interested in a nonsurgical way to reduce fullness beneath your chin, kybella may be right for you.  Kybella is a first-of-its-kind injectable treatment for adults with submental fullness that destroys fat cells under the chin to improve your profile.