Lip Filler Instructions

Before the procedure

  • No advil, aspirin, ibuprofen or fish oils 7 days before the procedure

  • Try to limit caffeine the day of the procedure (this will make you more sensitive)

  • Limit alcohol the night before the procedure

Restrictions after the procedure

  • No working out; you can start working out first thing the following day

  • No laying flat for the next 4 hours that night; sleep on 2 pillows to create a little incline.

  • No salty food! (Like extra salty food - soy sauce, fried food, potato chips, salt on the margarita, etc.) This is the number 1 thing that will make you swell.


Pain level is similar to waxing your lip or popping a pimple in your lip. It is over quickly, though, and the pain does not linger.

Anesthesia: we use topical numbing cream.  There is 15min of numbing time built into the appointment, so please be on time.  If you are late, you are eating into your numbing time.  If you would like you can come early to numb longer.  There is also lido inside the filler, so once we get started, it will get better.

Things you can do to help with the pain

  • Take Tylenol before (not Advil)

  • Limit caffeine

  • You can come early to numb long

Things that will make you more sensitive

  • Being on your period or a few days before or after.

  • Recent vaccines, within a week

  • Being hungover or starting to get sick

  • Other active injuries, broken bones, recent surgeries, active back pain, etc.


We are very pro-Arnica; it is super helpful for reducing bruising and swelling. You can start taking it the day before the procedure and continue taking it until the bruising is gone. There are many different types of arnica, so take them as directed by the label on the product.

What to expect & expectations

Bruising is normal and expected and typically lasts 3 -5 days; bad bruising can last 5-7 days. Everyone is different, and every time is different. Always plan for bruising.

Immediately After - When we finish, you will be 30-40% more swollen than your final result.

Next morning - The following morning will be the peak of the swelling.  They will be the biggest first thing when you wake up.

2-3 days - Then it’s 2-3 days of big swelling.  After that, it gets better and better.

2 weeks - At 2 weeks, you’re about 90% healed. At this point, enough swelling has subsided that we can see symmetry and tweak something if needed. *symmetry

4-6 weeks - It takes 4-6 weeks to see the final results.   The volume you see prior to 4 to 6 weeks is fake news, and it is some level of swelling. It really takes that long for all the swelling to subside and the product to settle into the tissue.  At this point, you can really see how much volume the half-syringe or full syringe really got you. If you find that you liked it better when it was swollen, that’s fine; we can build to get you to that size by adding more. Try to pay attention to which day of the swelling you like the most because it will help danielle smith np figure out how much product we need to get you to the size you really want to be.

As you go through the healing process, it is good to take photos each day so that you can go back and reflect to see which day you liked the best.  Be sure to take full-face photos so that you can see the lips relative to your whole face. It’s not about how much volume or how many syringes; it’s about how the lips look in proportion to the ratios of your face.  Photos help keep it objective; sometimes, when you’re in it, you feel like you look crazy, but when you go back and look, you’d be surprised at what you actually like.

Swelling & Symmetry

Try not to analyze symmetry before 2 weeks because the swelling will shift back and forth and drive you crazy trying to analyze it.  Under no circumstance will we touch the lips before 2 weeks - please be patient.  Know that you can always text us with any concerns or questions at 305-393-2311.


Bumps can happen and are a normal part of lip filler. Don’t worry. It is a soft gel and will act like a soft gel. As we talk and move our lips afterward, little beads of the filler can slide through the fresh needle tracks and move superficially, creating a bump that we can feel. You can simply massage it and work it into the tissue, and it will resolve. The key is that you do not want to massage prior to 1 week / 7 full days after the procedure. Sometimes swelling can sit on the border and create a little shelf. This can also be massaged to help move the fluid quicker. To massage, place one finger inside the lip, and one outside the lip with the lip pressed between the two fingers. You then pressure down using even firm pressure - if it hurts, you are doing it right. You want to give it a good squeeze and walk your fingers along the lip, starting from the cupid’s bow and moving down to the corner of the mouth. If any bumps are persistent beyond 2 weeks or you are not sure about them - please text me and let me know at 305-393-2311.


Slow & steady is 100% the best way to build beautiful natural lips.  When starting, there is often a considerable debate between beginning with a half vs. full syringe.  If you have virgin lips, in most cases, you would do better to start with a full syringe for your base.  If ever you can afford to do a full syringe and have it not look crazy, it’s on your first time.

Imagine you’re building a house, you have an empty lot you have to add the soil and pack it down before you can really build the structure. It’s the same thing with the lips. When you’re starting, a lot of your first syringe or first half syringe will go towards the foundation, which is why the net result of a half syringe tends to look more like a hydrating effect than any real volume.

Often, people who opt for a half syringe look for a tiny bit of shape and a hydrating effect.  If they are looking to build, and they start with a half syringe, it’s because they get to go through the swelling and visualize what it would look like if they were bigger without having to commit to it yet. They will end up spending more money by building with 2 halves, but the benefit is that they will have the peace of mind, knowing they are making a more informed decision. Plus, there is a strategy in building with haves, and the shape does come out better.

The soonest we can build is after the full 4-6 weeks.

There is no one path to building; this is completely individualized based on your tissue, goals, and personal preference.  Everyone’s journey is different; how much you will need to reach your goals is in no way comparable to how much your friend will need.  Firstly your tissue and anatomy are different. Secondly, your goals and your aesthetic preferences are entirely different.

Building can be a 2-time process, or it can be done over years.  Each time we build on the lips, the shape gets better and better.  If your goal is volume, then you want to give the lips enough time to fully heal so that we can add as much as possible without ruining the shape.  If your goal is shape, then less is more, and you will want to give it enough time between sessions.  When you get into your 3rd and 4th rounds, we will typically increase the downtime between sessions to 2-4 months.

Unsure whether to go with a half or full - read here for more information.

Types of Products

Several different types of fillers can be used on lips.  Danielle Smith NP uses only hyaluronic acid-based filler.  These include Volbella, Restylane kysse, Restylane, Juvederm Ultra Plus, and Restylane Defyne. The main difference between the products is the molecular structure and size, which creates subtle differences allowing each product to have certain advantages over the other.  Molecule size is one of the most significant components in selecting the best product to give you the results you are looking for. When you meet with Danielle Smith NP, she will sit with you and discuss your goals and what you want to accomplish; based on this, she will help you pick the best product to give you your desired results or build towards your goal.

Volbella is the smallest molecule size and is good for fine lines and contouring the border. It is not the best for volumizing or shaping the lips.

Restylane Kysse is Danielle Smith, NP’s top preference for lips.  Danielle feels she gets the best shapes and the most natural results with kysse.  The molecule is thin but has a high cohesivity, making it the best for shaping lips, creating a lip lift, detail and contouring the border, and adding subtle natural, looking, and feeling volume.  However, kysse is not a good product for those looking for volume over shape.

Juvederm Ultra Plus is great for “plumpy” volume.  If you’re looking for juicy long-lasting volume without a lot of detail on shape, then Juvederm is your best option. Sometimes we can use both kysse and Juvederm to accomplish both shape and volume.  Sometimes this can be done together, but often, we need to do this in two sessions, starting with shape first and volume second.

Restylane Defyne is Kysse’s big sister; she has similar cohesivity properties, but she is a lot thicker and firmer.  She will surely give you similar effects in shape but with more bulky volume.  Defyne is a good option for those looking for a dramatic look who are okay with the firmness of the volume Defyne can give.